Saturday, October 9, 2010

Who Does Cortisone In Melbourne

Cos'è un Anno Luce

L ' light year is the unit of measure that defines the distance traveled in a vacuum (ie in the absence of fields gravitational and / or magnetic ) by a photon or Electromagnetic Radiation ( LIGHT ) in one year. Then the light traveling at a speed of nearly 300,000 km per second, this measure will be more than 9.4 trillion miles.
Below is a table showing the time it takes light to reach Earth's starting some objects of the firmament:

- LUNA : 1.28 sec.:
(Earth-> Luna)

-        SOLE : 8 min. e 20 sec.;
-        PLUTONE  (ai confini del  Sistema Solare ): 5 ore e 24 min.;
-       PROXIMA CENTAURI  ( la stella più vicina a noi dopo il Sole ): 4 anni e 2 mesi;
-        M31 (the Andromeda Galaxy ): 2 million and 500,000 years;
- ; IC 1101 ( the largest galaxy known ): 1 billion and 70 million years;
- GRB090423 ( the most distant object ever observed, a bursts 12-sec. ): 13 billion years;


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