Monday, April 12, 2010

How Long To Stop Shaving Before Brazilian

La politica commerciale.

trade policy.
The term trade policy means all the activities that the company set and implemented in a coordinated manner to the achievement of financial objectives, detailed in the medium term strategic plan and in the short term, ie during the calendar year, the commercial budget. Therefore the levers used in formulating trade policy can be any typically summarized in these four points :
1. discounts and pricing strategy, making both in the area of \u200b\u200bthe channel and the type of product or customer;
2. definition of 'offer assortment you find most effective in meeting the desires and needs of its customer base;
3. sales force deployment in order to optimize the distribution of the product or service you sell or considering the current structure of the different areas or groups of customers or distribution channels that we address;
4. implementation of a promotional offer and the most appropriate communication strategy for the support of the business.

The ability to adopt a trade policy that best meets the needs of customers and the market in which business operates is of paramount importance for the achievement of financial objectives that the company wants to achieve. Typically these objectives, content, and detailed in the budget commercial are:
· vendite e fatturato;
·          margine di contribuzione , inteso come ricavi meno costo del venduto;
·          flussi di cassa o cash flow ;
·          margine operativo Lord .


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