All I pay attention to grows. Grows.
Pay attention to your plants and grow. Pay attention to the cause that interests you most and your passion and your knowledge will increase success. The audience is: wherever you running it from its object grows.
When you talk to members of your team, your team, always pay attention to the final results you want to reach, not the effort required to obtain them. When you praise your men, pay attention to the results achieved, not to the attempts and efforts.
Most of those who lead the team, managers, leaders, ignores this fundamental point: continue to reward the effort and do not understand that doing so unconsciously communicate the message that "enough to try." Soon their men came to think that if they can prove to strive final results will not be taken into account. Make sure you press the final results more than anything else.
If you behave in this way, you get better results. You have to be you the one who keeps talking about numbers if you want a person to reach these numbers. Se invece ti lamenti di come tutto sia difficile e poni enfasi sui duri sforzi degli altri, ecco che cosa otterrai: meno risultati e più tentativi . Tutto quello che lodi cresce, sempre. Questa è una legge di natura.
L'attenzione ha un grande potere e tuttavia la maggior parte delle persone lascia che la propria concentrazione sia continuamente sviata da forze esterne. Una telefonata inattesa, un'email inopportuna, qualcuno che si presenta con un problema routinario da risolvere. In questo modo l'attenzione si disperde.
Ma l'attenzione è come il denaro, è un tesoro prezioso, si riversa sulle cose; come il denaro, is spent on what you choose. If you invest your attention on what you want (profits measurable, specific results) you'll always get what you want more easily.
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