to complete a proper marketing strategy, after have assigned goals and reviewed the sales results, you must have sales force in the territory to ensure optimal client coverage . Active but customers should visit also take time to create new ones.
Given the traffic levels achieved in our cities is vital to plan tours of the visit in order to reduce transfer times and maximizing the time spent with clients. It also notes that customers get used to a constant visit ensures higher levels of turnover because it avoids broken stock.
The method is planned to give each customer the most suitable frequency of visits to its potential while minimizing the transfer time:
- begin segmenting customers based on turnover: A - B - C;
- assigns each client a monthly visit frequency;
- set themselves realistic goals that you can visit every day and give each vendor a number of new customers from seek every month;
- be taken into account of the meetings and administrative work;
- finally distribute visits per day, taking into account the more rational path.
Take for example a group of 100 customers who order in descending order of turnover. In many cases it is noted that the top 20% of clients (20 clients then in our example) are responsible for most of the sales (può arrivare sino all'80% del fatturato totale). Assegneremo una frequenza di visite mensili in relazione all'importanza del fatturato sviluppato da ogni singolo cliente. Quindi ciascun venditore, conoscendo il proprio territorio assegnerà il giorno di visita a ciascun cliente tenendo presente le distanze e il carico di lavoro giornaliero. Leggi anche La rete vendita: diretta, indiretta o mista
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