Come possiamo effettuare un efficace controllo delle performance di vendita? Come possiamo controllare che la nostra forza vendita raggiunga gli obiettivi prefissati?
Il primo punto consiste nell'assegnare ai venditori the objectives related to their area of \u200b\u200bexpertise . Targets should be challenging, but achievable in order to have a constant stimulus.
The more the goals are shared by the sales force will be greater efforts to prosecute.
To assign goals properly, we must consider a range of information and market data, is essential to make a thorough analysis of sales areas (province, region, nation, etc..) Determining the level of development and client coverage. In order to identify corrective lenses, should know and then analyze a data set, including the development trend of the market in which the company operates.
The company must also provide clear guidance on which products launch and promote them as a support for . It will be always useful to analyze the time series of the previous years, the market share and those of competitors. This information will give us the general framework that will allow for example to determine whether our business will grow next year by 15%. This data generally can not be spread evenly to all sellers, but will then be divided by area in base alle potenzialità e ai risultati sin qui ottenuti. Risulta fondamentale analizzare in dettaglio il fatturato per cliente osservando il mix dei prodotti trattati, analizzare i clienti non attivi, stimare il loro potenziale e tenere conto del carico di lavoro già assegnato a ciascun venditore.
Per l'assegnazione degli obiettivi è possibile eseguire due metodi distinti, denominati "top-down" e "bottom-up".
Nel primo caso, la direzione aziendale o la proprietà fornisce un obiettivo ai dirigenti: questi lo suddividono ai quadri intermedi (Capi Area, Capi Distretto, ecc.), che lo assegnano poi ai venditori che a loro volta it will be broken by customer. In the second case, the management provides a framework, the sellers shall make proposals to the middle and they will pass them to the managers. The second method has the advantage of being shared, and uses the most information available to the sales force. The risk that you will encounter in its application, the length of time and complexity of the process.
After assigning objectives must constantly monitor developments and intervene in cases offset . To check the results of the sale, you should be aware that very difficult to refer to absolute data . We must then compare the results in a relative way by comparing each area or sector or the national average in previous periods. also read the definition of business objectives and sales budgets.
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