Sunday, May 2, 2010

Hack 1m Exp In Pokemon Deluge

M13 (Ammasso di Ercole)

L 'globular cluster Hercules, technically known as M13, is the brightest cluster of 'whole Northern Hemisphere. Situated in the 'constellation of the same name, in conditions of good visibility, is detectable by the naked eye and observable with binoculars. Distant from the earth 25,000 years cira light, consists of very old stars with average age estimated at between 10 and 12 billion years, and its size to 160 light years (6 and a half times the extension of the Great Orion Nebuolosa). To celebrate the expansion of the radio telescope at Arecibo in 1974, he was directed a coded message in an attempt to contact any extra-terrestrial civilization present in it. Below, to the left of the photo, you can also see in the distance the galaxy NGC 6207.

-Tarquinia, 30 Aprile 2010
- Luminosità del cielo 17,17
-Ottica principale GSO Newton 8 "F / 5
- Canon EOS 350D modificata Fotocamera
-Guida with camera MZ5m
-11 pose RGB da 8 minuti + 6 Dark
-Filtro Astronomik CLS


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