Saturday, September 4, 2010

White Misquito Bite Like Hives

M31 (Galassia di Andromeda)

E 'the farthest object in the sky visible to the naked eye. Distance from Earth "only" 2.5 million light years and larger than those of the Milky Way , M31 Galaxy is the largest of the so-called Local Group, the galactic cluster to which it belongs also ours. To because of its proximity, its size and high brightness, is among the most sought after objects in the field of 'amateur astrophotography. Although he has size 20% higher than those of the Milky Way , which is considered twin sister, and contains nearly twice as many stars in it, according to recent studies, however, M31 appears to have a mass less than that of our Galaxy, in practice it would be bigger but less heavy.



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