Una Galassia è un grande insieme di stelle, gas e polveri legati tra loro dalla reciproca forza di gravità . Si tratta di oggetti stellari di dimensioni enormi, average of between 5,000 light-years of dwarf galaxies, to the 300,000 of the giant galaxy until you get to 6 million of the Super Galaxy IC1101 , the largest currently known.
These objects are classified according to their apparent shape in three distinct categories:
• Elliptical galaxies : egg-shaped in many cases are large in size as they often generated by the fusion of many galaxies;
• Galassie a spirale : caratterizzate da strutture spiraliformi che si dipartono dal centro galattico, sono quelle più comunemente conosciute e delle quali fa parte anche la nostra Galassia, la Via Lattea . Tale categoria si suddivide poi in galassie a spirale semplice e a spirale barrata di tipo A, B, o C a secondo del numero dei bracci galattici presenti e della forma del bulge centrale;
• irregular galaxies : no well defined shape since they are subject to tidal interactions with neighboring galaxies or because in the process of merging with other galactic bodies.
Although not yet demonstrated, however, is given almost certain that in each Core This large galaxy is a supermassive black hole, a mass equal to a million times that of our Sun and most activities that would lead to stellar 'inside the galactic disk. It is estimated that in the 'observable universe to be attended by some 100 billion galaxies, each containing an average of several tens of billions of stars. For example, if all the stars present in the Milky Way was a grain of salt, with the amount of stars in our galaxy is filled with salt an 'entire Olympic pool. Galaxies are arranged and organized according to certain criteria associations, in groups or clusters that may be small, as our said Local Group, characterized principalmente da 3 grandi Galassie, fino ad ammassi enormi e costituiti da diverse centinaia di Corpi Galattici, come il vicino Ammasso della Vergine , composto da quasi 2000 membri.
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