Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Good Hens Night Message

Circondarsi solo di persone giuste.

These days, I had contacts with some companies for professional reasons, since, for different reasons, need a manager for their company.

the conversations that have followed, I figured out how in our entrepreneurial, are still, the "knowledge".

entrepreneurs, want to go a business management of their company, taking the field again in the familiar methods, "if you ask around a bit is known." Or "Who is it? Can we trust?".

This way of acting, legitimate, inter alia, is based on a personal approach and does not consider the item at all "professional" in the end is what counts!

And this also gives me opportunity to speak to this issue, namely that "knowledge" that I have di illustrare in una sessione formativa per 10 venditori affinchè si comprendesse l'importanza del network delle referenze.

Nella vita, bel l'85% del nostro successo e benessere è determinato dalla qualità dei rapporti che stringeremo a livello  personale sia professionale. più persone conosceremo, e quanti più ci conosceranno in senso positivo, tanto più avremo successo e progredire in fretta.

Le persone di successo hanno l'abitudine di costruire e mantenere una rete di relazioni interpersonali durevoli high quality and, consequently, achieve a lot more than those who stay at home every evening watching television.

Almost all the successes that we obtain is accompanied by his friendship with positive individuals who help us and help us to reciprocate.

is one of the best advice I can give you. Every time you meet a person who does not know, be interested in its activity, let them tell what is your work and try to understand how you could help him win a few customers. Be "Generous" rather than trying to take advantage of you. Try to write something before you ask something in return. More donated without expecting something in return and receive greater rewards from unexpected sources.

Today is also true that you can type the name of a person on the Web and will be out of everything on that person. The Internet is increasingly becoming the "friend" to ask references. The Network, will be objective, will not tell you one thing for another. You can trust!


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