order that can be measured the effectiveness of the campaign, will leave a geographical part of the territory in question, without sending DM ; the end we will measure the campaign with the effects caused in the territory which is invested by the advertisement and the area where there has been no submission. It goes without saying that the discourse on "postcards" received and delivered to the agents and / or retailers, must be made a follow up that will determine the "goodness" of the initiative (if I get 100 cards and I do not know if these 100 clients were visited, they bought, have shown interest or have postponed to another time their purchase, it is necessary that the ' COMPANY know how it is managed contact !!!).
The marketing people will have to carefully examine the questionnaires, the behavior of the customers (thus the behavior of agents and dealers) and begin to make (or groped by do) of predictions about the behavior of purchase by new customers.
This instrument, namely the prediction purchase , will help different areas of the company:
· Commercial . You may already use, along with other then we're going to see, to develop budgets and sales goals. We provide a complete mapping of the areas where we sell, where we could improve and where we do not sell mainly include why .
· Production . It will also be a useful tool to estimate the stocks already , thus lowering the cost of the warehouse.
Per le sue caratteristiche di alta personalizzazione, duttilità e ricchezza espositiva il mailing viene scelto frequentemente come canale privilegiato per le attività di comunicazione diretta e Customer Relationship Management (gestione personalizzata del contatto con i clienti). Comunicare con un'attività di mailing significa ancora attivare un contatto due volte utile:
- Perché' mira il target e diminuisce la dispersione del messaggio.
- Perché raggiunge davvero il target. Infatti: (*)
- Più del 60% degli italiani apre sempre la pubblicità indirizzata - Another 30% comes in the message if it finds evidence for the identification and attraction - Only less than 10% of messages are not even evaluated |
( *) Source: http://www.mydirect.it/esperti/efficacia.asp POSTETEL (Poste Italian)
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